The 4 Questions

Why are we different from all other people?

We are different from all other people because our tribe is made up of those from every tribe, our people are found among all the peoples of the world. We have been born into every family, every nation, every faith, at every time and on every part of the planet. This is a clue left by the Creator of what all people share.

What is our sacred role?

Because we come from all other peoples, we are bridge-builders and connectors; we are ambassa- dors and weavers between worlds. Because we live our lives in many different ways, between gen- ders and sexes and varied ways of loving, we stand at the doorway of Possibility, and it is from this that we derive our sacred role as holy people dedicated to truth and integrity, even in the face of death.

How are we the same as all other people?

We bleed as all people bleed, and we love and laugh and cry and sing, as do all human beings. We want what everyone wants: peace and prosperity, freedom and equality. We want families and communities and we want to be part of the healing of this world. Before we are transgendered, bi- sexual, intersexed, lesbian, gay, we are human. Just as the Source of Life is beyond gender, the human soul too is genderless, is all genders. And this we share with everyone in the world.

Where do we come from and what is our story?

This is why we are gathered here tonight around this festive table, to tell parts of the story of our people. It is an ancient story, a long one. We can- not tell it all, cannot name all the names of the people who led us out of oppression and into freedom. But for each tale we tell, there are others that are forgotten. And for each name that we remember to name, other names call out from the past. May all who are hungry for this story come and listen. Tonight, we tell the tale of our liberation.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: Writing: Image: Xavier Schipani