Dam - The blood that is shed as we fight the war on this virus.

Tzafardaya - The virus hopping around unseen from person to person, family to family.

Kinim - The constant itch of fear and anxiety that never leaves us.

Arov- People who act like Wild beasts, hoarding critical medical supplies needed by healthcare workers and the
general population.

Dever- The animal kingdom communicating to humans that they are not for wholesale consumption.

Shechin - Lesions on the patient's lungs as the disease eats its way through the pulmonary system.

Barad - The bombardment of news about Covid 19- fake and true - assailing us from our cell phones, IVs,
newspapers and social media,

Arbeh - Hoards descend on non-perishable food supplies and paper goods, making daily living about foraging instead of nesting.

Choshech. - Dark times that have no end in sight

Makat B'chorat - We shouldn't know from it.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues