Ten Plagues of the Occupation. This year we take more drops of wine from our cups to grieve the plagues of the Israeli occupation, which has now surpassed apartheid in the racist violence inflicted upon a subordinate ethnic group, the Palestinians.

1. Home Demolitions: Destroying the same homes again and again

2. Uprooting Olive Trees: Destroying sources of income and heritage for generations of Palestinian families

3. The Siege of Gaza: Laying siege to Gaza for over a decade, bringing the Strip to brink of collapse

4. Destruction of Villages: Destroying over 400 Palestinian towns since 1948

5. Detention & Imprisonment: Detaining, imprisoning, & torturing Palestinian adults and children indefinitely, typically without trial

6. The Annexation Wall: Limiting movement, destroying homes, and extending surveillance by building a massive wall through the West Bank, with gun towns and electric fencing

7. Forced Dependence & theft of resources: Preventing the development of the Palestinian economy, blocking independent manufacturing, forcing Palestinians to seek degrading, low-wage work inside Israel; as well as stealing Palestinian natural resources, such land and water

8. Legal Discrimination within Israel: Instituting de jure privileges for Jews over non-Jews, creating systems of land purchase and ownership, as well as political organizing, that codify ethnocracy

9. Erasing histories: Obscuring and revising ancient history and culture of Palestine to generations of children

10. War crimes: Constantly violating international law, through population transfer to territories seized by war, through indiscriminate attacks in dense civilian centers, through the illegal treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military court system…

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Zak Witus