It saddens us that any struggle for freedom involves suffering. Generally, we drink wine to rejoice. Therefore, for each plague we take out a drop of wine from our cup. This way we do not rejoice over the suffering of others. The plagues that, we are told, afflicted the Egyptians were:

 (Take a drop of wine out of your cup for each plague)


1- blood 

2- frogs 

3- vermin 


5- boils  

6- cattle disease 

7- locusts 

8- hail 

9- darkness

10- slaying of first born

Our world today is still greatly troubled. For these plagues, let us repeat the same ceremony.

(Take a drop of wine out of your cup for each plague)


1- war

2- Covid-19 and other diseases

3- capitalism

4- white supremacy

5- hunger 

6- housing crisis

7- fascism

8- destruction of wildlife

9- pollution

10- climate change

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues