The traditional Haggadah lists ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians. We live in a very different world, but Passover is a good time to remember the plagues that we continue to experience in modern times. The biblical ten plagues were sent to Egypt as a warning. We should also recognize and respond to modern plagues as a warning of the dangers of not respecting the principles of justice, equity and dignity that God has set forth for all people.

Although the list could be longer, here are ten modern plagues that deserve our attention.

Racial Injustice - Institutionalized racism as evidenced through the school to prison pipeline, police brutality, mass incarceration, environmental racism, inequities in employment and pay, systemic poverty and housing discrimination continue to actively plague communities of color in Detroit and elsewhere.

Systemic Poverty - Government and social policies continue to reinforce cycles of poverty across generations, disempower individuals and destroys the heart of communities. The disproportionate amount of water shutoffs, unconstitutional foreclosures and school closings...

Homelessness & Housing Insecurity - Far too many individuals and families of all ages experience homelessness and housing insecurity in the richest country in the world. This is unconscionable.

Drugs & Addiction - While ...

Lack of Access to Health Care - While ...

Lost Dreams & Minds Unused - While ...

Threat to Voting Rights - While ...

Fear - Fear of “the other” produces and reinforces racism, xenophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment, anti-semitism, Islamaphobia, homophobia and other "isms".

Greed - Greed distorts our priorities and causes to focus on ourselves at the expense of the needs of others.

Violence & Brutality - While ...

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues