The story of Exodus is pretty simple: Jews are enslaved. An Egyptian-raised Jew is contacted by God to un-enslave them. He does. Well, I mean, it's hard -- 10 pretty grisley plagues have to happen first, and a bunch of drowned soldiers -- but eventually, he does. There's also a post-script about a mountain, some tablets, a golden calf, and we proceed to wander in the desert for 40 years.

Hebrew school, Wikipedia, and Disney's "The Prince of Egypt" cover this pretty nicely, if you'd rather not check out the primary source document.

So this year, we assume the Simple Child's inability to ask a question is not because they don't know the story, but rather for lack of visceral framing. And for them we offer a writer's grappling with her own Exodus on the eve of Passover.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Serena Berman