Telling it Like it is

Host: Welcome all to our second annual digital family seder. This month marks the 1-year anniversary of the covid transformation. It is exciting to be joined by our extended family, some of us seeing eachother for the first time since last year's seder.

Tonight, we read and tell the story of how the Jewish people were freed from being slaves in Egypt- as we have done for thousands of years. We use a special book called a haggadah. Haggadah means "to tell." I had a tremendous amount of fun putting together tonight's Hagaddah. I hope you enjoy it too.

Before we break into song, a few ground rules. If it is not your turn to speak then please mute your microphone. Zoom will only focus on one microphone at a time. This makes our songs sound disjointed when we all try to make sounds simultaneously. Our 'song leader', Lisa, will start the songs and then our 'tech whisperers', Hallie and Andie, will unmute selected individuals to allow them to be heard.

It is tradition, that we go around the Seder table and take turns reading from the hagaddah. Since an order is hard to establish, we will be using the bump method. After you read a paragraph or so, say bump and call on someone new to continue reading. 

And now, we'll kick off our seder with a hype song!


haggadah Section: Introduction