Taste the bitter By Samantha Garelick

Some personal stories from our Seder to yours...

Both Jeremy and I grew up on the east coast in the same Synagogue, New City Jewish Center. Sam's father was the Chazen and Jeremy's family helped build the shul. It was home for both of us. Our parents were friends for many years and decided to have Seder together long before we were ever dating. We had some incredible traditions at our Sedar table including drinking all 4 cups of wine and then singing "Go Down Moses". When Jeremy and I finally did start dating and get married, Passover remained a meaningful holiday to us. We even named our first born child "Yizchak Pesach" meaning he laughs at Pesach as that's how we remembered our Sedarim - with lots of laughter.

Our baby girl Aria Meital (named for Tal, dew we pray for during Passover), was born this past Pesach (2017) and we commemorated her coming home with 4 large Matzah Pizzas that spelled her name!

Another important part of our Seder meals was the freshly grated Horseradish. Ours was not your typical Chrain (yiddush for horseradish) ours was special. Bubby and Grampsy would drive down to the lower east side every year to "The Pickle Boys" because that is where they freshly grate the bitter root.   We've moved to California and our Seders have moved with us but our meals are not complete without "the good stuff" as we call our special chrain.  Bubby and Grampsy fly to NY every year before Pesach, they drive down to the lower east side, buy jars of the freshly grated horseradish and carry it back to Los Angeles in their suitcases.  Throughout the holiday we spoon the "good stuff"  into a freshly made red horseradish to ensure its strong, stinging bite! As each of us open the lid and take a whiff, our eyes water, our sinuses clear and Bubby and Grampsy smile!

haggadah Section: Maror
Source: Samantha Garelick