Tune of Coming Round the Mountain

Now Moses’ mother hid him for a while
Then she built a box and placed him in the Nile Pharoah’s daughter came and saw him
Told her servants to withdraw him
Looked upon him and then broke into a smile.

She said “I really do believe my luck is in, The things one can discover on a swim,
Just wait till I tell Daddy That I’ve found a little laddy.
We’ll take him in and make a prince of him.”

One summer’s day he took a walk as planned, Saw Egyptian beating Hebrew whip in hand.
So he killed the cruel taskmaster And to avoid disaster
He quickly hid the body in the sand.

Saying “Pharoah will be furious when he hears In retrospect I now am filled with fear.
Pharoah don’t like martyrs — He’ll have my guts for garters.”
So he fled and stayed away for forty years.

From a burning bush God said to Moses “Hey! Go tell Pharoah that the Israelites won’t stay.
They don’t like his hospitality Or racialist mentality.
On Pesach night they’ll all be on their way.”

To the Red Sea Pharoah chased them where he found
That the Israelites had crossed on solid ground And they were not downhearted
For they found the sea had parted —
It was Pharoah’s army following that drowned.

So the Israelites were saved from further flight And marched off till Mount Sinai came in sight.
Their slavery had ended Moses to the top ascended.
The Israelites sang out with all their might:
“He’ll be coming down the mountain by and by.

He’ll be holding ten commandments up on high.
And we’ll not be slaves no morer ’Cos we’re going to have the Torah.
Singing: Ay yi yippee, yippee yi!”

Singing: Ay yi yippee, yippee yi! Singing: Ay yi yippee, yippee yi!
And we’ll not be slaves no morer ’Cos we’re going to have the T rah.
Singing: Ay yi yippee, yippee yi!

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich