Sweet Charoset - parody song

Sweet Charoset to the tune of “Sweet Caroline”

May be shared with credit line: © 2020 by Marc I. Leavey, M.D., Baltimore, Maryland


Before it begins, I get some nuts and apples

And cinnamon to make it strong

Chag in the spring

Prepare for Seder table

The family comes to sing this song

Dip, carpas dip

Reaching out, some for me, some for you

Sweet Charoset

Every year it seems so good

We sit reclined

Tell the story as we could

And then we

Go through the night

And we read the Hagadah

We started with cups one and two

After we eat

We bentch and say the Hallel

Then it’s time for the second two

Dip, carpas dip

Reaching out, some for me, some for you

Sweet Charoset

Every year it seems so good

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Marc I. Leavey, M.D; artwork by Haggadot.com