Wondering whether you should go to Easter dinner at your mother-in-law's during
Passover? Is it okay to eat matzah--and peeps? Learn how to solve the spring holiday
dilemma with articles, resources and links from the InterfaithFamily.com website.
Helpful Documents on Passover/Easter in Interfaith Families
* Guide to Passover for Interfaith Families (also available in Word format)
* Tips for Interfaith Families: How to Make a Seder Inclusive
* Passover in Interfaith Families: Three Essays from InterfaithFamily.com, with
Discussion Guide, Tips, Recommended Resources and Activities for Children (also
available in PDF format)
* Report: What We Learned from the 2008 Passover/Easter Survey (also available in
Word format)
* Report: What We Learned from the 2007 Passover/Easter Survey (also available in
Word format)
* Ten Tips to Enliven the Seder: Ways to Delay That Fifth Question by Ron Wolfson
* Four Modern Questions for Passover by Zell Schulman
* Five Interfaith Passover Readings You Can Add to Your Hagaddah by Rabbi Geela
Rayzel Raphael
* Ay Vey! A Kosher-for-Passover Easter... with Recipes by Teresita Levy
* A Different Spring Dilemma by Penina Hoffnung
Visit our partner MyJewishLearning.com for more information on Passover:
* Primer: Passover
* Overview: Passover History
* Overview: Passover Themes and Theology
* Commemorating the Exodus
* Jewishfreeware.org - Free downloads haggadahs and haggadah templates.
* Friedland, Ronnie and Case, Edmund, ed. The Guide to Jewish Interfaith Family Life:
An InterfaithFamily.com Handbook. Jewish Lights, 2001. Read a review.
* Strassfeld, Michael. The Jewish Holidays: A Guide and Commentary. HarperCollins,
1985. In addition to in-depth discussion of each holiday, this book includes
commentaries, ideas for family holiday involvement, and suggestions for new traditions.
* Wolfson, Dr. Ron. The Art of Jewish Living. Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, 1990.
Written by a well-known family educator, this series of books includes volumes on
Shabbat, Hanukkah and Passover. Each includes recipes, crafts and family activities to
enhance observance.
* Kimmel, Eric A. A Passover Companion: Wonders and Miracles, illustrated with art
spanning three thousand years. Scholastic Press, 2004. Read our review.
* Kay, Rabbi Alan and Jo Kay. Make Your Own Passover Seder: A New Approach to
Creating a Personal Family Celebration. Jossey-Bass, 2004. Read our review.
If you know of other Passover/Easter resources--or if you'd like to see additional
resources on a particular aspect of Passover or Easter--please email us at
[email protected] and let us know what you'd like us to provide

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Foundation For Family Education, Inc.