The 10 Plagues According to Monty Python

(Lawrie)     With sincere apologies to Eric Idle, John Cleese, and anyone who takes Passover very seriously...

Killer rabbits  - Dead Parrots  -  The Spanish Inquisition  -  Silly walks  -  1000-ton weights  -  Plague six. There IS no plague six!Crunchy frogs  -  Spam, spam, spam, spam, more spam, and spam  -  Giant badgers  -  The killing of the first born

The morning after the final plague, the Egyptian garbage collectors roam the streets calling. “Bring out your dead!” People bring out corpses of the plague victims to the dead cart. When they start to pick up one body, one of the collectors says, “Wait a bit. He’s not dead. He’s just resting.” A lightening bolt comes out of the sky, hitting the body and killing it. The collectors smile and heave it onto the cart.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues