So down the mountain Moses came, a staff in hand,
a face of faith.
"To Egypt I must go," he told his wife, Tziporrah.
To Pharaoh I must say, "Please let my people go!"
To Pharaoh I must say, "Please let my people go!" (Children repeat)

Let My People Go
When Israel was in Egypt Land
Let my people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!

Moses went to the Pharaoh and said, "Let us go!" (Children repeat "Let us go!")
He looked him in the eye and said, "My God says so." (Point your finger and say it strong!)
Pharaoh laughed, Pharaoh smirked, Pharaoh folded his arms and said, (Children fold their arms and say what Pharaoh said)
"No way, no way, will I let your people free. I need them to build my great big city.
I need them to make the statues. I need them to make bricks.
I need them to schlep water. I need them for all my tricks."

Ask the children to fill in the end of the sentence to think of things the Pharaoh needed the slaves to do for him:
I need them to ______.
I need them to ______.

I will return, you will see
The God of Israel will set my people free.

You have one day to change your mind,
Or we will find ways to make you more kind.

So Moses went home and saw his family.
He was sad, he was troubled, and he prayed
to Elohim.
They made a plan to try to teach.
The Pharaoh must learn that God is our King.

Pharaoh still would not be kind,
So God sent some reasons to help change his mind.
He sent some frogs to jump and twitch
(All pretend to be frogs and jump, jump, jump)

He sent some bugs to make Pharaoh itch.
(Everyone scratches)
Blood in the water turned the river red.
Flies all around made him cover his head.
There were 10 plagues God sent in all,
So finally to Moses, Pharaoh did call.


haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story