We have so many reasons to be grateful to God tonight: for freedom and dignity, friendship and family, prosperity and health. Any one of these would have been enough - Day'aynoo! 

Kama ma'alot tovot la-Makom alaynoo, Day'aynoo!
How many are the gifts that God has granted us!

Eeloo ho'tzee-anu me'meetzrayeem, Day'aynoo!
Eeloo seepayk tzarchaynoo ba-midbar arbaeem shana, Day'aynoo!
Eeloo heh-eh-cheelanoo et ha-man, Day'aynoo!

Eeloo kayr-vanoo leefnay har seeni, Day'aynoo!
Eeloo natan lanoo et ha-Shabbat, Day'aynoo!
Eeloo natan lanoo et ha-Torah, Day'aynoo!

Had God taken us out of Egypt...Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God carried us across the Sea... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God cared for us for forty years... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God given us the Sabbath... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God given us the Torah... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God brought us back to the Land of Israel... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God returned us to Jerusalem... Day'aynoo!
It would have been enough! Had God helped us redeem our brothers and sisters... Day'aynoo! It would have been enough! 

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: VBS Haggadah