• Literal Meaning:    This is the “sanctification” of our Seder. Hebrew words always have a 3-letter root which gives a clue to their meaning. In this case the 3 letters are Kuf (K) Dalet (D) and Shin (SH), which we also find in the following words:
    • Kiddush            (sanctification of Shabbat or a holiday by blessing and drinking wine)
    • Kodesh (or Kadosh)    Holy
    • Kaddish            Sanctification of God in remembering those who have died
  • Reasoning:        By sanctifying this holiday at the outset we are delineating the parameters which separate the mundane from the sacred, and also making sacred the mundane. Observant Jews have always made sacred the mundane, for example by blessing before a meal, or by thanking God upon waking up. Interestingly enough, when looking for sources for this sanctification, the only reason given in the Torah is “you shall be holy because I (i.e. God) am holy”
  • Relation to Passover:    The reason for sanctifying this specific holiday, as we’ll do very soon, is that we are remembering our slavery and freedom, followed by the giving of the Torah. Can you think of a better reason to sanctify?
  • Our hosts:        The Weiner family is a living example of sanctification, as their practice to thank God when the family gets together, and to bless as a group when coming or going fills me with pride. I can think of no better way to express our love for God and Judaism

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: Michael Abadi