Passover is the story of the Jews escaping from slavery to freedom, wandering in the Wilderness, and reaching freedom in the Promised Land.

We are all slaves to something today. Not physical slaves but slaves in our own mind.

What are you a slave to today? Why?

Passover signifies a transition from exiting the feeling and control of our egoistic, divisive world, and entering the feeling and control of the higher, altruistic, united world.

The key to making this transition is to have a desire for it. That is, it is a holiday that relates to the inner process that any person who works on developing their desire to unite, love and connect with others atop their innate egoistic urges can undergo.

What represents your Promised Land? What is freedom to you?

During Passover, we celebrate the story of the Jews seeking freedom in the Promised Land. But what does being free really mean to each of us?

This is the exit from Egypt we celebrate during Passover.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story