Signs and Symbols

Tonight we will explain seven! One for each day of the week; one for each of the seven lower sefirot / aspects of divinity. And they are:

The Maror , bitter herb or horseradish, which represents the bitterness of slavery.

The Haroset , a mixture of apples and nuts and wine, which represents the bricks and mortar we made in ancient times, and the new structures we are beginning to build in our lives today.

The Lamb Shank (or: beet) which represents the sacrifices we have made to survive.* Before the tenth plague, our people slaughtered lambs and marked our doors with blood: because of this marking, the Angel of Death passed over our homes and our first-born were spared.

*Pesach was the name of the lamb-offering our ancestors brought to the Temple in antiquity at this season. It relates to the word pasach, passed-over, as the Angel of Death passed-over our homes during the Tenth Plague; the name of tonight’s festival derives from this.

The Egg , which symbolizes creative power, our rebirth.

The Parsley , which represents the new growth of spring, for we are earthy, rooted beings, connected to the Earth and nourished by our connection.

Salt water of our tears, both then and now.

Matzot of our unleavened hearts: may this Seder enable our spirits to rise.


The Orange :  represents the radical feminist notion that there is—there must be—a place at the table for all of us, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. May our lives be inclusive, welcoming, and fruitful.

hallowed bone : to recognize our ability to free ourselves from personal mitzrayim.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Velveteen Rabbi