Leader continues:

It’s dinner time! Feel free to eat any food you may have prepared for dinner. While you're eating, you can try to find the afikomen too... See "Tzafun", below. You can un-mute now if you want.

Dinner discussion questions: 

1. Which symbol on the seder plate do you think is most important?

2. Some people say the Ten Plagues are part of tradition and so they should be included in the seder. Others say the plagues lead us to inappropriately exalt in the adversities suffered by the Egyptians. Others say that Jews take a drop of wine from the cup for each plague, acknowledging that freedom was won at a cost. Do you believe in a God that punishes people? Would God slay the Egyptians' firstborn sons? What do you think? Should the Ten Plagues be part of the seder?

3. What experiences in your life have given you hope? Tell us about a struggle to change something that worked. What did you learn from it? 

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich