Sharing Your Story

Telling the story at Passover of the Israelites’ liberation from slavery has inspired generations of Jewish people to work for a better world for Jews and for all people.

In recent years, researchers at the Family Narratives Lab at Emory University have found that family stories of triumph over hardship are a powerful tool to build resilience.

Youth who know more family stories—including about overcoming challenges—show higher well-being, with higher self-esteem, academic and social competence, and fewer behavior problems.

Moving Traditions builds the resilience for thousands of Jewish youth each year in our transformative programs—whether they are worrying about coronavirus, confronting the resurgence of antisemitism, or facing perfectionist culture in social media.

Building resilience by sharing meaningful Jewish stories—and applying this wisdom to our everyday lives—is in fact a Moving Traditions specialty.

We know that your seder this year may be smaller than usual, or delayed, or virtual rather than in person. However, we hope you will still take some time in the coming weeks to use our Moving Traditions 2020 Seder Supplement to ensure that your children know your stories and the stories of older relatives.

haggadah Section: Tzafun