1. What's a Seder...? Thousands of years ago our people escaped slavery in Egypt. As a way to commemorate our salvation, the Jewish scholars have created a Seder (seder means order in Hebrew). It's basically a 15-step guide filled with symbolism, stories, rituals, and a little bit of fun. There's one leader but everyone participates.

2. Like the reading from the Introduction... We're allowed to have a Shvach Seder. Too hard to get a shankbone for your Seder plate? Don't even have a Seder plate?? No worries. Between every one on this Zoom call we collectively have a full Seder plate. Passover is about memory so let's all remember last year's Seder plate if you don't have one for yourself.

3. The answer to the age old-question of "Why is this night different from all other nights?" is quite obvious this year. We're changing the order up just a little bit, but do whatever feels right for you. We'll do the whole Seder, then have your meal! Feel free to stay on Zoom so it feels like we're together, or if you don't want to watch other people eat, hop off an enjoy on your own.

4. During the Seder, there's a tradition we don't fill our own glasses of wine. Having our wine poured for us is one of the symbolic demonstrations during the Seder that we are free and not slaves. If you are alone, just imagine someone is pouring for you and next Seder I will personally pour all 4 of your glasses.

5. Another symoblic demonstration of our freedom from slavery is we all recline in our chairs. Some people grab a pillow, others a comfy chair with arms, some even have full Seder's in their beds. So get comfy!

haggadah Section: Introduction