Seder - The Order

KADESH: Blessings over Cup #1 of wine and marking sacred time.

URCHATZ: Ritually washing hands without offering a blessing.

KARPAS: Eating green vegetable dipped in salt-water.

YACHATZ: Breaking the middle matzah (of the ceremonial 3) to create the Afikoman.

MAGGID: Telling the story. Cup #2.

RACHTZAH: Washing hands to prepare for the meal.

MOTZI: Blessing over bread.

MATZAH: Blessing over matzah. Eat matzah.

MAROR: Blessing over the bitter herbs. Eat bitter herbs.

KORECH: Eating a sandwich of matzah and bitter herbs.


TZAFUN: Finding / ransoming / eating the Afikoman.

BARECH: Blessing After Meals. Cup #3. Elijah.

HALLEL: Singing psalms of praise. Cup #4.

NIRTZAH: Seder ends. Next year in Jerusalem. Drinking songs.

haggadah Section: Introduction