Kadesh Recite the Kiddush

Initiate special time

Urchatz Wash the hands

Clear the grime

Karpas Eat a green vegetable

Open senses to growing green

Yachatz Break the middle matzah

Separate dessert from need

Maggid Tell the Pesach story

Tell a tale from your spiritual past

Rahtzah Wash the hands

Raise up the energy in your hands

Motzi Say the Ha-Motzi

Call forth what nourishes you

Matzah Say the blessing for matzah

Prepare to heal

Maror Eat the bitter herb

Allow the bitter to move you

Korekh Eat the bitter herb with matzah

See the sandwich of both sides

Shulkhan Orekh Serve the festive meal

Eat together in joy

Tzafun Eat the Afikoman

Nourish the self with mystery

Barekh Say the grace after meals

Bless all that nourishes your life

Hallell Songs of Praise

Sing with joy for your blessings

Nirtzah Conclude the seder

Say “I am loved here today”

haggadah Section: Introduction