I.           Welcome:

  1. Welcome to all, it is a joy, honor and tradition to celebrate this moment and event with you here. This night is always different than all other nights; how much more so tonight, with our entire world in isolation from this natural disaster of COVID-19. Thank you for joining us. 
  2.  The Torah, commands us to celebrate Passover every spring, saying: “you shall tell your children, it is what the Lord did for ME when I was in Egypt.” Tonight, let’s all try to recall this incredible transformation as if we were really there. 
  3. We think of our friends and family that are elsewhere tonight. We recall fondly those that taught us, our parents, grandparents, and teachers, all those whose shoulders we stand on, but are not here- their spirit joins us now.  Let’s take a moment of silence to remember them. ZICHRONAM LIVRHACHA
  4. So now, we all recall how on this night, 3330 years ago, we all ate and prepared to leave Egypt, to become a free people, to live by an ethic that has shaped society and civilization. We today are part of this history and this future. We hope and pray that our Seder, our lives, and our actions enable us to be a light unto the nations, and to help future generations connect through us, back to Moses, and to know the value and responsibility of freedom!
  5. Lighting the candles:          O LORD, on this Seder of 2020, biblical year 5781, 3330 years after Moses helped You lead us from slavery to be a free people, help us to feel your spirit and power, help us to connect to these historic events, and to direct our lives and our leaders to create and protect freedom and justice for all mankind. Help us to renew our lives with the love of freedom and justice, with the appreciation of the wonder and beauty of life, that you have created, and the strength to work towards your holy purpose, TIKKUN OLAM, improvement of the world.  L’CHAIM- Amen.



haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: P. Sondel