#SecondSederPlate - Glass of Water

Why is a glass of water on our Second Seder Plate?

Unlike the salt water on our traditional seder plate, which symbolizes our enslaved ancestors’ bitter tears, this water represents a source of hope. Fresh water is in short supply in the refugee settlements housing survivors who fled atrocities in South Sudan, but drilling new wells can provide clean water.

FACT: More than 2 million South Sudanese have fled civil war and man-made famine. Many have settled in overcrowded camps in northern Uganda, where there is deplorable sanitation and not enough safe water.

ACT: Jewish World Watch is drilling eight essential wells in Uganda’s Palabek Refugee Settlement this year. With your support we can supply even more clean water for thousands of refugees.

DISCUSS: List all the ways that you could save water on a daily basis.

Learn more about Jewish World Watch’s efforts to drill borehole wells at jww.org/cleanwater

haggadah Section: Rachtzah
Source: Jewish World Watch