Second Cup of Wine

Let the second cup of wine symbolize storytelling and the physical reenactment of stories. Passover is a time when we not only retell, but also reenact, the story of Exodus; the lead-up to it as well as the final escape. Queer people value these traditions as well. We often, when gathered together, will tell stories of the first times we had gay or trans thoughts, the first queer relationship we entered into, or funny coming-out stories. We retell stories that are originally straight or cis to include our sexualities and our bodies (like the trans Adam & Eve art pictured here). We also reenact moments of liberation; pride marches are considered by __ to be "a ritual reenactment of Stonewall" (87). When drinking this cup of wine, think about the ways we can carry out queer joy and queer liberation through the act of storytelling. 

Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam borei pri hagafen.

Blessed is the Eternal, determiner of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Theory: "The Ritual of Storytelling" by Jason Gary Kelly, in "Torah Queeries". Art: