i Adapted from the Camp Kinderland 2003 Hagaddah.
ii “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 16, 1963.
iii From Velveteen Rabbi’s “Hagaddah for Pesach,” Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, 2001.
iv Exodus 6:6-7
v Mari Gallagher Research and Consulting Group, 2006.
vi Mari Gallagher Research and Consulting Group, 2011.
vii Farm to Food Desert- Chicago Reader, Topher Gray, August 19, 2010.
viii U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, 2012.
ix The Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah for Passover
x Council for Unity Passover Lesson Plan, the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services, New
xi Adapted from The Shalom Center Haggadah, Pesach 2004
xii DePaul University 2010.
xiii Council for Unity Passover Lesson Plan, the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services, New
xiv Immigrant Rights Freedom Seder Haggadah, Jewish Community Action, 2010.

xvi Ibid.
xvii Ibid.
xviii “The Four Types of Young People,” Unity Seder Haggadah, the Jewish Board of Family and
Children's Services, New York, 1997.
xix “Hand Washing,” Unity Seder Haggadah, The Jewish Boar of Family and Children’s Services, New
York, 1997
xx Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman, Shemot 13:16.

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings