Traditional Jews sing "Dayenu" (Enough [for us]) to thank God for all that He did for them, noting that even if he'd just done one thing, but not the next, it would have been enough. Republican Jews, on the other hand, sing "Yoter MiDai" (Too much!!), recounting all that Donald Trump has done that should have been disqualifying, and then happily recount that they've stood by him anyway.

If he had only brought the "birther" campaign into the mainstream, that should have already been too much.

If he had only called Mexican immigrants rapists, justifying it by saying "somebody's doing the raping," that should have already been too much.

If he had only disparaged John McCain's service by saying "I like heroes who weren't captured," that should have already been too much.

If he had only called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," that should have already been too much.'

If he had only retweeted WhiteGenocideTM multiple times, that should have already been too much,

If he had only shown complete contempt for freedom of the press with reporter bans and calls to open up libel laws, that should have already been too much, 

If he had only urged his supporters to beat the crap out of protestors at his rallies, that should have already been too much,

If he had only claimed Judge Gonzalo Curiel had an inherent conflict of interest because of his "heritage," that should have already been too much

If he had only refused to immediately condemn David Duke, that should have already been too much,

If he had only accused Ted Cruz's dad of being involved in the Kennedy assassination, that should have already been too much,

If had only refused to release his tax returns like every other candidate, that should have already been too much.

If he had only refused to condemn anti-Semitic attacks on journalists, that should have already been too much,

If he had only made vicious attacks on the Gold Star Khan family, that should have already been too much,

If he had only regularly praised dictators like Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Un and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that should have already been too much, 

If he had only urged voters to "check out sex tape" of a Miss Universe contestant he'd called "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping", that should have already been too much,

If he had only hired white-nationalist fellow travelers Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, that should have already been too much, 

If he had only pledged to jail his opponent if elected, that should have already been too much, 

If he had only sexually assaulted woman by grabbing them by the pussy, that should have already been too much.

If he had only refused transparency on the extensive Russia dealings of his associates, that should have already been too much.

If he had only bungled his first two major policy initiatives of the Muslim ban and Obamacare repeal and replace, that should have already been too much.

But he's done all this and so much, much, much more, and we are still sticking with him.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu