Rabbi Rick Perry said, those who become president and do not eliminate three departments have not fulfilled their duty, namely Education, Commerce, and ... he can't remember the third one. The Sages said the third department is the Department of Energy, noting that Rick Perry was chosen to lead said department. However,  Acherim say that above all we must eliminate the job-killing EPA.

The Department of Education, why do we cut it? Because only a snob like President Obama believes everybody ought to go to college. 

The Department of Commerce, why do we cut it? Because it contains the Census Bureau, and who trusts the Acorn thugs with that kind of information.

As for the Department of Energy, we cut it so that we may, as it says, "drill, baby, drill."

In every generation, it is required for true red-blooded Americans to deny that their ancestors ever left the land of intolerance and poverty to immigrate to the United States.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu