In the beginning of our time in America our forefathers served the idols of socialism but now the GOP has brought us close to its service. As it is said, "Your forefathers used to live on the other side of the river in the Lower East Side, and they voted for Socialists for Congress."


And after 40 years in Chris Christie's George Washington Bridge traffic jam, I took your ancestors to the other side of the Hudson, and I led them throughout New Jersey, from Teaneck to Lakewood.

Blessed is he that calculated the end of our bondage under the oppressive Obama regime, as God said to Abraham, "Your seed will be enslaved by oppressive regulations and will suffer for four more years. But I will also cause the Dow Jones Industrial Average to reach record levels and you will end up with great wealth.

Raise the cup of wine and say:

This is what has stood by our fathers and us! For not just one Democrat alone has risen against us to destroy us. From Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who didn't bomb the railway lines to the death camps. To John F. Kennedy, who destroyed the hat industry, making men dress immodestly. To Jimmy Carter, the rasha [evil man], about whom no more need be said. To Bill Clinton, who defiled our precious daughters of Israel! To the Kenyan Muslim Hussein Obama and even unto Crooked Hillary, in every generation they rise against us to destroy us, and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hands.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story