Remembering The Holocaust

On this night of celebration of freedom , of celebration from deliverance from Pharoh, of bountiful food and drink, we pause to remember our families and our people – grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins who were murdered in the Holocaust only 70 years ago. Like the exodus from Egypt this was a monumental event in Jewish history.

When we celebrate freedom and deliverance, when we imagine ourselves as slaves being redeemed from Egypt, we should remember their fate, not for vengeance or for sadness, but with the hope that their memories energize us to be vigilant and to act to prevent new Pharohs and new dictators from inflicting evil on the world.

We drink the 3rd cup of wine:

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha Olam, Boreh Peri Hagofen.


haggadah Section: Bareich