In December of 2019, a novel coronavirus appeared in the Wuhan Province of China. Due to a myriad of factors this virus spread and became a global pandemic that has changed the world forever. When the virus spread to the United States it caused many state-wide lockdowns in March that continued through the months following. As this happened, the Jewish community struggled with how to have passover, a celebration done traditionally around a dining table, given the fact that the country was told to stay home at all costs. In response, there became this new wave of virtual seders in which anyone anywhere that had access to a computer and internet was able to join seders unrestricted by physical distance. This caused for a feeling of connection in a time of social distancing. While we may not know how long this novel coronavirus will be keeping us inside, the introduction of technology as a way to connect us has changed the structure of many seders forever. This Haggadah is made to both memorialize this turbulent historical moment while also being able to be used in any event in which a virtual seder is required for any family. 

haggadah Section: Kadesh