for Karpas we use either potato or parsly or sellery. Why????? we need to use a GREEN VEGGETABLE to represant the sprinng = AVIV since nissan is trhe month of Aviv and pessach is named in the torah as the Chag Ha Aviv - holiday of spring.for Karpas we use either potato or parsly or sellery. Why????? we need to use a GREEN VEGGETABLE to represant the sprinng = AVIV since nissan is trhe month of Aviv and pessach is named in the torah as the Chag Ha Aviv - holiday of spring. Aviv spring is time for new begining each and every jew can and should take advantge of the holiday to hav a restart and a fresh begining just like our nation in the past hada new begining from slaveory to freedom so does every singel jew can become free from whatever is holding them back and have a fresh start of groth and prograss

haggadah Section: Karpas