In the beginning our ancestors were idol worshippers but now God has brought us near to serve Adonai.

Joshua said to all the people: "Thus said Adonai the God of Israel: Long ago your ancestors including Terach, father of Abraham and Nachor, lived beyond the Euphrates and worshipped other gods. But I took your father Abraham from beyond the Euphrates and led him through the whole land of Canaan and multiplied his offspring. I gave him Isaac, and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. And to Esau, I gave Mount Seir to inherit. And Jacob went down to Egypt"

In reply, the people declared, "Far be it from us to forsake Adonai and serve other gods! For it was Adonai our God who brought us and our ancestors up from the land of Egypt, the house of bondage, and who performed those wondrous signs before our very eyes...Now we too will serve Adonai, for Adonai is our God" (Joshua 24:1-18).

 בָרוךְ שוֹמֵר הַבְטָחָתוֹ לְיִשְרָאֵל, בָרוךְ הוא

Baruch shomer havtachato l'Yisrael, baruch hu

Blessed is the One who keeps the Promise to Israel.

שֶהַקָדוֹש בָרוךְ הוא חִשַב אֶת הַקֵץ, לַעֲשוֹת כְמוֹ שֶאָמַר לְאַבְרָהָם אָבִינו בִבְרִית בֵין הַבְתָרִים, שֶנֶאֱמַר

Shehakadosh baruch hu chishav et haketz, la'asot k'ma sheamar l'Avraham avinu bivrit bein hab'tarim shene'emar:

The Holy One Blessed be He calculated the end of our exile and acted just as promised to Abraham our Father at the Covenant between the Pieces (Genesis 15:7-17):

וַיאֹמֶר לְאַבְרָם יָדעֹ תֵדַע כִי גֵר יִהְיֶה זַרְעֲךָ בְאֶרֶץ לֹא לָהֶם, וַעֲבָדום וְעִנו אתָֹם אַרְבַע מֵאוֹת שנה"

"Vayomer l'Avram yadoa teida, ki geir yiyeh zaracha, b'eretz lo lahem, va'avadum v'inu otam arba meiot shana.

And God said to Abram: You must know that your seed will be strangers in a land not theirs; the people (of that land) will put them in servitude and afflict them for four hundred years.

"וְגם אֶת הַגוֹי אֲשֶר יַעֲבדֹו דָן אָנכִֹי וְאַחֲרֵי כֵן יֵצְאו בִרְכֻש גָדוֹל

V'gam et hagoy asher ya'avodu dan anochi v'acharei ken yetz'u birchush gadol."

But as for the nation to which they are in servitude - I will bring judgement on them, and after that (your seed) will go out with great wealth" (Genesis 15:13-14).

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story