Why do we have a Seder? 

The Seder is essential in remembering the oppression of the Jews in Egypt. We have the Seder to tell the story to our family, friends, and children. We remind ourselves how the people of Israel went from a group of disgraced ((גנותIsraelites to a group of proud (שבח)  Israelites. (7:6)

Preperation for the Seder:

        The whole family should be present at the Seder. The son must also be present in order to ask the Four Questions. If the husband and wife have no children, then it is the wife’s obligation to ask the Four Questions.

Items needed to begin the Seder: 

There are many things necessary in order to begin the Seder. First of all, Maror (lettuce), Matzah (amount=kazait, about the size of an olive), and Pesach (?) must be present at the Seder table. Also, it is necessary to have four cups of wine with the amount of wine necessary to fill them during the Seder. These four cups must have four separate kiddushes and all of them must be drunk – no more no less.  There must also be Charoset which is a mixture of dried fruit mashed with vinegar. It is also normal to eat raw green vegetables.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Rambam