This clip told us what rachtzah is truly about, which is to find our inner boundaries and personal issues that block us from finding love for others, Hashem, and ourselves. When we wash our hands for the second time this seder, it is more of a personal connection and deeper digging of yourself, and taking a look in the mirror to discover your barrier of love. During this seder, we are reminded many times to love God and what he has done for us, but not as often are we told to extend our love to not only others, but to ourselves as well. Many people in the world have failed to do this, and all over the world, depression has consumed the lives of too many people. This part of the seder can present us an opportunity to look at ourselves, and realize why we cannot love ourselves. This can help us learn more about ourselves and be able to love ourselves freely, without being held back.

haggadah Section: Rachtzah