Rabban Gamliel used to say, “anyone who has not spoken of these three things on Pesach has not fulfilled his obligation: the Paschal sacrifice, matzah, and maror.”

(Point to the z’roa on the seder plate and say:)

The Paschal sacrifice our ancestors used to eat when the Temple stood, what was its significance? It commemorated the Holy One passing over the Israelites’ homes on the night the firstborn Egyptians were slain. 

(Point to the matzah and say:)

This matzah that we are eating, what is its significance? It commem- orates our ancestors’ dough not having time to rise before they had to leave Mitzrayim when the Holy One redeemed them. 

haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah
Source: Min Ha-Meitzar: An Abolitionist Haggadah from the Narrow Place by Noraa Kaplan