Queer Urchatz

Queerness has been identified as impure or dirty by so many. "Purification", then, might be used to mean erasing the so-called "flaws" that make us who we are. Instead of focusing on purification in this ritual, then, I invite us to think of the water as helping us focus on the aspects of ourselves that we want to nourish and pay attention to. Waves help bring things that have sunk to the ocean floor up to the surface--let this ritual handwashing bring the true and beautiful parts of you that stay hidden to the surface.

There should be a bowl of water, a cup, and a towel near your table. Pour water, using the cup, over your neighbor's hands, helping them to wash.  

During this time, feel free to share with each other what you want the water to help nourish and bring to the surface. 

haggadah Section: Urchatz
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/24/refuge-and-rebellion-how-queer-artists-worked-in-the-shadow-of-the-law