Pharaoh:        All right, I give up.  Take your Jews, Moses and leave.  But hurry up before I change my mind.

Moses:            Everyone:  Let’s go now.  There’s no time to let your bread rise.  Just take it with you and follow me!

Yocheved:      Oy!  That’s the Red Sea up ahead. (Looks behind her) And there is about a million Egyptians in chariots behind us.  What now? How will we get across?

Moses:            God said we could do this.  We’ll have to just trust that’s true.

Miriam:         OK Moses.  I’ll put my trust in God.  Sure hope this works because I can’t swim. (Starts walking).  It’s getting deeper. 

Narrator:       And just as the waters were about the swallow Miriam up, the sea parted and the Jews were able to flee to the other shore. The Egyptians were not so lucky.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues