Narrator:       A long time ago, there was a Jew from Canaan named Joseph who went to Egyptand  helped the Pharoah.  As a result he became rich and powerful.  More Jews moved to Egypt and lived there happily.  Generations passed and a new Pharoah ruled Egypt who didn’t like how successful the Jewish community had become so he made the Jews his slaves. (Enter Pharoah and Taskmaster)

Pharoah:        Making the Jews into slaves was the best idea I’ve ever had.  They are building my cities for free!  But I’m a little nervous.  There are an awful lot of them.  What if they decide to rebel.  Hmmm… What to do. 

Taskmaster:  Let me beat them up.

Pharoah:        Nice whip

Taskmaster:  Thanks.

Pharoah:        But no. Not now. Oh Yocheved, you can bring my lunch now.   (enter Yocheved) I’ve got it!.  I’ll order every Jewish baby boy to be killed.  That should solve my problem. (all exit)  (Enter Yocheved and Miriam)

Yocheved:      Miriam. 

Miriam:         Yes Mama.

Yocheved:      We have a major problem.  I heard the Pharoah say he was going to kill all the Jewish babies.  I can’t let him do that to your brother Moses.  Go find Shifrah and Puah, the midwives and get them to help you save our children.  Then take this basket and hide Moses in the river where he’ll be safe.

Miriam:         OK Mama.  Come on Moses.  Let’s go for a walk.

Narrator:       Miriam put her brother in the bulrushes .  Suddenly the Pharoah’s daughter walked by.  She found Moses and took him back to the palace to raise as her own.  Miriam ran back to tell her mother what had happened. (Enter Miriam and Yocheved)

Miriam :         Mama! Mama!  Moses has been taken by the Pharoah’s daughter.  What will we do?

Yocheved:      He’ll be safe there but he can’t grow up believing that he’s an Egyptian.  I work at the palace.  I’ll ask the Pharoah’s daughter if I can be his nurse.

Narrator:       So Moses grew up in the palace of the Pharoah, but he knew he was a Jew.  When he got older he decided to go out and see how his people were treated.  As he reached the area where the Jewish slaves were toiling, he saw an Egyptian beating an old Jew for not working hard enough.

Taskmaster:  And I’ll keep beating you if you don’t start carrying more bricks.  I don’t care if you are old and sick.

Moses:            Can’t you see he’s doing the best he can? Stop that! 

Taskmaster:  Make me! (Moses kills Taskmaster runs away)

Moses:            Oh no.  If the Pharoah finds out he’ll kill me.  I better run away.

Narrator:       So Moses fled into the desert and became a shepherd.  One day, he heard a voice.  It was coming out of a burning bush.

Bush:              Moses!

Moses:            Who’s there!

Bush:              It’s me, God.  I need to free the Jews.  Go back to Egypt and talk to Pharoah.  Get your brother Aaron to help too.

Moses:            I can’t do that.  First, no one will believe that a bush told me to free the Jews.  Second how can I compete with Pharoah’s magic.  He has a staff that turns into a snake.

Bush:              That’s small potatoes.  Trust me.  You can do this.  

Narrator:       So Moses went back to Egypt and stood before Pharoah. (Enter Moses and Pharoah)

Moses:            Let my people go.

Pharaoh:        No way.

Moses:            I said, let my people go.

Pharaoh:        Moses, what part of “no way” do you not understand.  I have pyramids to build.  I need those slaves.

Moses:            Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.  Bush, er, God?  A little help here.

Narrator:       And God sent 10 plagues down on the Egyptians.  We recite them together.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story