Sin, plagues, curses and blight! These are ancient words that no longer have usage in our lexicon. We don't sin! We err. We don't suffer curses! We have bad luck. And blight? Plague? These are weather patterns and anomalies in nature. They have nothing to do with us and our actions!

Passover doesn't just demand that we see ourselves, each and every one of us as if we were slaves and as if God redeemed us with signs, miracles and an outstretched arm millenia ago. It demands that we look with open eyes and clear vision at our modern world and its ills. It demands that we see ourselves in the world and recognize our own actions and their impact.

God brought plagues upon the ancient Egyptians. What plagues have we brought upon our own world, our nation, and even our homes? What patterns can we change? What harm can we undo?

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues