During the time that the Jews were slaves they wanted to leave but Pharaoh wouldn't let them leave. God did not like that so he made the 10 plagues. The 10 plagues started with blood everywhere. It was everywhere except for where the Jews were. The second plague was frogs. The frogs were jumping everywhere except for where the Jews were. The next plague,the third was the lice plague. Everyone had lice everywhere. Everyone besides the Jews. The next plague , the fourth plague was the plague of flies. The flies were swarming every where except for the places that the Jews were. The next plague was the fifth plague. It was the plague of dead animals. The sixth plague is the plague of boils. The egyptians had boils and they were terrible. The jews did not have the boils.  The seventh plague had hail. The hail was everywhere. The hail was not just ice it was also fire. God made it like that because those are two very powerful things.  The eighth plague was the locust plague. The locust were flying everywhere except for where the jews were.  The next plague is the ninth plague, this plague was the plague of darkness.   It was dark everywhere but the jews had a little light bubble over their heads. The tenth plague is the death of the first born.  Every egyptian's first son was going to die, even Pharaoh's. These are all of the ten plagues.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues