You think the land and everyone who lands here
Are nothing more than things that you control. 

But I am here to tell you every person
Is a person with a heart and with a soul. 

You think the only people who are people Are the people who pray the way you do. But listen to a family chant “Ha Motzi.” You will hear the spirit deep in every Jew. 


Have you ever seen a Hebrew standing tall and proud?
Or felt the winds of freedom start to blow? 

Have you ever heard the voice of the Almighty
Saying, “Pharaoh, you must let my people go.” 

Saying, “Pharaoh, you must let my people go.” 

I know that I could hold the golden scep- ter.
And I could sit so coldly on the throne. And I could open up the door to riches

If I close my eyes to all the slaves you own. 

The beaten and the broken are my broth- ers.
The lonely and low-born are my friends. And we are all connected to each other By a covenant with God that never ends. 

(Repeat chorus) 

How much can your misery grow? Set them free and you’ll never know. 

(Repeat chorus) 

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning