The Pesach Poem

Pesach is coming soon 

with lots of food to eat

everyone is gathered round

looking for a treat

we sing songs and pray

and have some very special food

with smiles around the table

everyone's in a good mood

but what is Pesach

and where did it all start

just gather round my friends 

for a story with a big heart

once upon a time

in a land far away

there was a place called Egypt

and everyone had to obey

the great mighty Pharoah

who ruled all the land 

made the Jews his slaves 

they were at his command

they worked and worked

the sun baking their backs

being forced to do labour

putting the bricks into stacks

but then a prophecy occurred

for Pharoah not good news

it said that a man of Jewish faith

would free all the Jews

now you must understand

that Pharoah was scared

so he made a rule

and the rule was declared

all Jewish baby boys

at the time of birth

had to be killed

wipe them off the face of the earth

but one cold night

in the black of dark

a Jewish woman named Miriam

made her mark

she gave birth to a boy

but did not kill it

instead put it in a basket

and a crime was committed

she set it off down the river

gliding across the stream

it would not look suspicious

a stray basket it would seem

but down the river

someone was taking a bath

she was the princess of Egypt

and something was coming down her path

as she picked up the basket

something inside wriggled

she gave it a tickle

and the baby giggled

she took him back to the palace

and made him a prince

gave him the name Moses

he lived in royalty ever since

but one day

while witnessing a fight

stopped immediately

he saw a painful sight

an old man

carrying bricks

was being whipped

coming in like flicks

Moses went and stepped in

helping the old man

he smashed the guard against a stone

and then his troubles began

he realised what he had done

and then made a run for it

and prayed that G-d would do

as he saw fit

for years after the incident

he lived in constant fear

he worked as a shepherd

hoping he wouldn't end up on a spear

but then one strange night

all the goats were acting weird

smoke rose into the sky

it was fire, Moses feared

as he moved closer

a deep voice spoke

free the Jews! it said

from out of the smoke

so Moses 

went to the land he feared

and went to the palace

everyone sneered

let my people go!

said Moses to Pharoah

but Pharoah shook his head

his answer was no!!

so Moses went back to the bush

to tell G-d the news

G-d said he would unleash plagues

if Pharoah did not free the Jews

let my people go!

said Moses to Pharoah

but Pharoah shook his head

his answer was still no!!

so Hashem unleashed the plagues

with a count of ten

and all of Egypt cried

all the women and men

blood replaced the rivers

and the lakes, dam and taps

Egypt started to thirst

making the country collapse

then suddenly there were

frogs on their head!

frogs on their houses, frogs everywhere

even frogs in the bed!

then next everyone felt an itch

and then an atch, then a scratch!

for there were lice everywhere

and those they could not catch

and then a roar 

was heard throughout the city

there were wild animals all around

some people were eaten, what a pity

after that there was a shortage of meat

and chicken! and eggs!

because all the livestock died

so there were no more yummy chicken legs

and then there was a pandemic

not a virus of course

but of boils

driven by G-d's force

but then clouds covered the sky

and hail started to fall

but this was no normal hail

it was filled with fire, and not very small!

after that the crops disappeared!

but not the vanish type

they were being eaten by locusts

and the crops weren't even ripe

and then total blackness

engulfed the land

because the ninth plague was darkness

they could barely even stand!

but when the tenth plague commenced

the land fell to it's knees

the death of the firstborn

but the Jews were at ease

G-d had warned them about this plague

and gave them a command

paint lamb blood on your doorframe

and obey this demand

so when the angel of death

swooped over the land

the Jews would be safe 

and Egypt would understand

that their Pharoah was bad

and treated them wrongly

so they begged to let them go

and Pharoah replied strongly

"Jews, take your children!

take your wives!

get out of Egypt!

you have cost us our lives"

so the Jews left in a hurry

they didn’t even bake their bread!

they put it on their backs

let it bake in the sun instead

after they left,

Pharoah soon changed his mind

"lets get our slaves back!"

he was obviously blind

so they ran for their lives

with Pharoah's forces hot on the trail

but soon they hit a problem

something which needed a sail!

a sea was blocking the path

and they couldn't swim across

so everyone turned to Moses

words were at a loss

Moses stood there praying

and he lifted his staff

then the sea split apart

making all the Jews laugh

they rushed across the parting 

not waiting to find out

what Pharoah would do to them

make them slaves again, no doubt

but when Pharoah's forces

tried to cross the sea

the water closed upon them

and everyone shouted with glee!

As they escaped the iron grip

of Pharoah and his crew

they all cried with joy

they had made it through!

so now you know the story 

why we celebrate this event

what Pesach is about

and what it had meant

so eat and lounge

and sing songs and laugh

but remember this story

remember Moses and his staff

happy pesach!

haggadah Section: Conclusion
Source: Ariel Susskind