We never expected that we'd be doing Seder over Zoom AGAIN. Just as Jews around the world read the Parshas describing the Exodus, Covid 19 broke over us like a wave. So much has changed. Last year, we were in quarantine. This year, we are socially distanced. Last year, we were worried about impending fascism, this year we cautiously hope for democratic revitalization. Last year, we had no vaccine, this year, some of us have received at least one shot. But most of all, over 500,000 people are not with us. The plague is not the virus. The virus is a natural disaster. The plague are the unnatural disaster that caused so much death here in the US: lies, mismanagement, corruption, greed, and distractions, and then the isolation, depressionm, overwhelm, loss of life and economic disaster for so many that have followed. 

We hope are on our way out of a very narrow place, politically, and in terms of our options and responses to this virus. We call out to each other for justice, transparency, and access to healthcare, and hope that we will answer each other with generosity and spaciousness. 

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues