Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh and demand that he let the Jewish people go.  In order to prove the power of God to Pharaoh God had given Moses a staff.  Moses threw the staff on the floor and the staff turned into a snake.  Pharaoh called upon his magicians to demonstrate their power so they threw their staffs on the floor and their staffs turned into snakes as well.  However, the snake from the staff God gave to Moses devoured the snakes from the staffs of Pharaohs magicians.  Pharaoh appeared to be convinced at this point and sent Moses and Aaron away to contemplate what to do.  However, the Pharaoh's heart hardened and he denied the request from Moses and Aaron and put further restrictions on the Jewish people, telling them they must find straw for their bricks.

It was at this point that God unleashed the ten plagues upon Egypt.  As each plague struck Egypt Pharaoh appeared to relent and agree to let the Jewish People go.  However, when each plague ended the Pharaoh's heart hardened and he refused.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story