Our story starts in ancient times, with Abraham. At that time, people worshipped many gods and prayed to statues. Abraham was the first person to have the idea of one God, invisible and all-powerful. He journeyed to a new land known then as Canaan, which would later be known as Israel, and started a new people, the Israelites -- the Jewish people. God promised that Abraham would be the father of a great people who would be a blessing to the world.
Over the centuries, our people have sought to fulfill God's promise by being the source of great blessing to the world. We have taught humanity the noble teachings of our Torah. We have provided some of the world’s most important heroes. From among our ranks have come women and men who have followed their minds and hearts to produce some of the great advancements in science, technology, education, and human relations. And the Jewish people still lives and strives to fulfill God's promise by repairing the wrongs and failures of the world and seeking justice and peace for all.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story