HQ Passover Edition

1. Why do we eat Matzah on Passover?

  1. Because it’s cheap
  2. To remind us of the dough that didn’t have time to rise as our forefathers were rushed out of Egypt.
  3. It’s a conspiracy to get kids to not eat junk food for a week

2. Which one is NOT one of the Four Sons?

  1. The wise one,
  2. The wicked,
  3. The one who doesn’t know how to ask for directions.

3. How many cups of wine do we drink at the Seder?

  1. 8
  2. Enough to forget Trump is still president
  3. (3 x 3) - 5

4. What is the second plague?

  1. Frogs.
  2. Death of the first born
  3. Gefilte fish sandwiches

5. Why do we dip in the Charoset?

  1. It tastes terrible alone
  2. It represents Love
  3. The Charoset represents the cement that the Jews used to cement the bricks together in their slavery.

6.What does the shank bone remind us of?

  1. The Passover lamb which our forefathers sacrificed to God when they came out of Egypt.
  2. That time we got together and Noah broke a bone
  3. Yummm Ribs!

7. What is the name of the piece of Matzah you hide during Passover for kids to find?

  1. The Afrikaan
  2. The Afikoman.
  3. Kobe Bryant man

8. How do you spell Pharaoh?

  1. Pharoah
  2. Faro
  3. Pharaoh

9. Whose name does not appear in the Story of Passover (although it should).

  1. I. P. Daly
  2. Noah Ypan
  3. Moses

10. Who do we fill a cup for on the Seder table and hope he comes and joins our Seder?

  1. Scott Rogowski
  2. Elijah.
  3. The neighbors

haggadah Section: Koreich