Create a lively discussion by giving out a copy of this page during the Seder meal: Of the following list, who is the most enslaved person and who is the most free?

A. "Three years ago I was taken by the KGB and put in a labor camp in Siberia, I am told when to get up, when to go to bed and everything between."

B. "I was ship-wrecked on a desert island. I can do anything I want, but there's nothing to do here."

C. "I'm a heavy heroine addict. I live my days just to get the next  high. Luckily I inherited a large fortune that allows me to support my habit."

D. "I worked hard all my life to become rich. At the height, I was worth around $25 million. Then came the crash. The bank took everything - my business, my house, even my car. I now work  9-to-5 in a sweatshop, struggling to make ends meet. When I had money, I used to take exotic vacations and dine in the finest restaurants. Life was fun. Now I'm lucky if I can afford takeout."

E. "In the country I live in, cigarettes are banned. I used to smoke two packs a day. Now I can't get them and I'm very depressed."

F. "I used to be a top college athlete and was headed for a pro career. Then last year I dove into a pool that was too shallow and broke my neck. I'm now completely paralyzed from my chin down. All I think about all day long is what I used to be able to do."

G. "Last year I tried to commit suicide but a policeman caught me just before I jumped. I was institutionalized. There's no possibility here for me to do what I really want to do - kill myself."

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Foundation for Family Education, Inc.