The Official Kosher for Passover Drinking Game

Grab your shot glasses, kosher for Passover wine, potato vodka and tequila and enjoy!

It's that time of year...Passover. Although this holiday is very important in Jewish history, few enjoy eating matzah for eight long days. No matter how hard you try to make it yummy, matzah nachos, matzah pizza, etc., it will  never  taste as good as bread. 

But one thing that Passover brings is the excuse to drink kosher for Passover wine, potato vodka and tequila, all of which are as well represented at our table and will flow as freely as the waters of the Nile. Accordingly, our seder tonight definitely calls for a drinking game.

The Unofficial Passover Drinking Game

One Sip

1. Someone says the word matzah

2. Someone says the word Egypt

3. You get yelled at for using your phone at the table

4. You ask how long it is until dinner

5. You do the Kiddush

Two Sips

1. When you eat the gross parsley and salt

2. When you say the four questions

3. When you eat the bitter herbs

4. When you break the matzah

5. When you say the HaMotzi

6. When you finally get to have some matzah ball soup

7. When your family member asks how school is

8. When your family members start to argue about something dumb

Finish your drink

1. Your cousins/aunts/uncles if you're still single

2. Your grandma asks if you are still single

3. Summer internships are brought up

4. You finally get to eat the meal

5. You contemplate going into the kitchen and eating bread

6. You are in a food coma

7. When the matzah is found

Now crack open the bottles and let's start sippin' & shootin'!! After all, we are not slaves any more................

haggadah Section: Introduction