Parting of the sea

"So the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading bowls wrapped in their cloaks upon their shoulders." —Exodus 12:34

You’ll need to travel light.
Take what you can carry: a book, a poem, a battered tin cup, your child strapped
to your chest, clutching your necklace
in one hot possessive fist.

So the dough isn’t ready. So your heart
isn't ready. You haven’t said goodbye
to the places where you hid as a child,
to the friends who aren’t interested in the journey, to the graves you’ve tended.

But if you wait until you feel fully ready you may never take the leap at all
and Infinity is calling you forth
out of this birth canal

and into the future’s wide expanse.

Learn to improvise flat cakes without yeast. Learn to read new alphabets.
Wear God like a cloak
and stride forth with confidence.

You won’t know where you’re going

but you have the words of our sages,
the songs of our mothers, the inspiration wrapped in your kneading bowl. Trust that what you carry will sustain you
and take the first step out the door.

--Rabbi Rachel Barenblat

--illustraton by Andy Boardman

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Andy Boardman and Rabbi Rachel Barenblat